IO 1: Recommendations and analysis of the competences and evaluation of expertise

The objectives of IO1 encompassed specific assessments of the preliminary EUROLIFE DATAETHICS activities, which were intended to serve as a foundational input for the forthcoming education and training programs and contents to be meticulously crafted by the consortium. The IO1 also offers analysis of the competences and evaluation of expertise, with reference to the mismatches in skills in ethical consideration, of Biomedical Big Data across partner institutions.

As the initial phase of our endeavor, the DATAETHICS task force embarked on a comprehensive examination of the existing knowledge surrounding ethical considerations within the realm of Biomedical Big Data (BBD) across our partner institutions. This analysis was primarily based on feedback obtained from prospective and subsequently active participants involved in the project’s inaugural initiatives. The purpose of these analyses was to inform the development of an engaging and tailored education and training program that aligns with the discerned needs and expectations of both students and university staff within our partner institutions.

DATAETHICS IO1: Recommendations and analysis of the competences and evaluation of expertise