DATAETHICS is a transnational initiative, which aims at updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from Biomedical Big Data (BBD) collection and use. It was initiated by the Eurolife Consortium as a three-year project, co-funded by the German Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, the European Commission, and the Franco-German University.

Earning an exceptional evaluation score of 98/100, the project has been distinguished by the European Commission with the prestigious “Good Practice” label, affirming its outstanding quality and impact.

DATAETHICS enables a shared understanding and a common vision on BBD across Europe with actions of cooperation with interdisciplinary expertise and industry.

DATAETHICS online training package comprises of four comprehensive courses, which represent a significant knowledge repository addressing ethical, legal, and societal dimensions in the collection and management of Biomedical Big Data (BBD). The e-courses are engaging through the mix spurts of text, audio, webinars, discussion board and hands-on case study exercises and actualize the content to mirror the technological advancements incorporating cultural, legal and social differences.

Our partners

University Medical Center Göttingen
Universitat de Barcelona
Semmelweis University
Trinity College Dublin - School of Medicine
University of Edinburgh - College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Medical University of Innsbruck
Leiden University Medical Center
Karolinska Institutet
University of Strasbourg


Recommendations and analysis of the competences

Open educational resource (OERs) platform

DATAETHICS e-learning content (OERs)


Certification method

Evaluation framework and analysis

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